Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Je suis RADICAL?

Me and One of the Ladies...
Who knew that I would ever be "a radical"? I have always been, so, oh you know, "middle of the road". Who knew that watching the movie, "Food, Inc." would begin a FEEDING frenzy toward my desire to investigate the source of my food and turn into an obsession of epic proportions! Who knew it would lead to volunteer WWOOFing...milking goats, weeding rows of eggplant and peppers and communing with daddy long legs. I had been asking the universe for several months to be granted a new passion, to give my life that certain spark that I have felt for years on my journey as a traditional folk singer, and poof! Voila! Ask and ye shall receive...I'm writing this blog to share my adventures on folk , farming and freedom!

1 comment:

  1. awesome, Rose, I look forward to following your adventures!
