Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot?

Robert Burns, the 18th century Scottish poet asked the question, "should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind....?" The translation being, "should we forget about old friends?" The answer is a hearty, NO. Old friends, in my book, can be compared to that of an old sweater, they are comfortable. They fit. They make us feel secure. After all, they know us best because they knew us as children. We all still have that little person in us, even if we are all grown up.

A dear friend that my sister and I grew up with died recently. We went as far back as 1st and 2nd grade. Lori was always there through the years, weaving in and out of mine and my sister's lives, a tapestry of memories. This past year I feel very lucky that I was able to spend good quality time with her as we would walk every Tuesday together and then have dinner afterwards. The last time I saw Lori we talked about how we both looked forward to Tuesday evenings. We talked about how precious we felt our lifelong friendship truly was. On one of our many walks, I would talk about the different poems or songs I was learning and I was able to share this one with her by William Butler Yeats, a poem about the special and unique bond of old friends.....

Though you're in your shining days
Voices from the crowd and new friends busy with your praise
Be not unkind or proud, but think of old friends the most.
Time's bitter flood will rise
Your beauty perish and be lost
For all eyes but these eyes.

July 1, 1967 ~ June 16, 2012
To my friend, in heaven, I would say....I miss you, dear friend. Thank you for your loyal and enduring friendship over the course of mine and my sister Michelle's lives. You left us far too soon.......but your laughter and your memory will live on in our hearts and minds, forever.

Rest in peace, Lori.