Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Zocalo in Oaxaca...

I wanted to capture a bit of the Zocalo in Oaxaca city. My video doesn't do this bustling social center justice, but hopefully it gives you a taste of what a zocalo in Mexico is. It's a park in downtown to visit with friends and family, listen to music, eat, get shoes shined, shop and pass the time when your not working...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Summer in Winter...

I am a snow birder. This year, anyway. It has been great to take leave of the old life for awhile and just "be" here in Mexico.  Most people my age have commitments of a mortgage, children and all those things that come with grown up life.  Those of us that don't have those things however, have the  freedom to do as and when we please, given some planning, commitment and follow through. For me, it started with a little exit the corporate world. Next came the baby steps of figuring out how I could actually make that happen. Later, it was following through with the plan, painstakingly. And last but not least, it was getting on the plane and making a life here for the past month and a half.

Traveling is wonderful but it isn't always easy. It can be hard being away from your loved ones. We travelers make friends with other travelers, so you might have a friend for a week, or two or maybe longer, but the time comes when people move on. To be a traveler you really have to be comfortable being your own best friend.

After spending the last week traveling in Mexico City I was anxious to get back to the easy life that is Oaxaca. It took me awhile to learn the streets here, but I know them now; it feels comfortable. As I was walking through the Zocalo today I was wondering how I may have grown these past weeks. I think that will unfold over time as my winter in Oaxaca becomes a distant memory...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Towers of Knowledge in Rural Oaxaca

Today I had a unique and very special opportunity to attend ceremonies for the opening of two new libraries for primary schools in the outlying impoverished areas of Oaxaca city.  Two organizations, Friends of Pimpollo, started by my second cousin, John Kerr of Salem, Oregon, and Si Kanda, a Mexican organization, in addition to the help of parents and community members helped to fund and build these libraries.

As Juan Carlos of Si Kanda said, "...all children have the right to read and receive an education. It is up to the adults to make that happen for each child."

The modest building at each school was no bigger than 15 feet x 15 feet, set on concrete. The insulation was made up of more than 2000 plastic bottles and around 1500 tetrapak milk cartons filled with aluminum and the exterior was made of concrete. It was pointed out that even though the color of the library building was yellow, it was built "green".

Inside there were a few small desks and chairs and no more than 50 or so brand new books for the children. But boy, were they excited! For those that know me personally, they know that the library is one of my favorite places to go, as it is a hub for learning and the humanities.  I was moved to the core to witness the opening of these towers of knowledge for these deserving children. With each book they read, their worlds will expand, they will learn, they will dream and it is my hope that they will dream big because the world belongs to them, too! (Incidentally, I had an opportunity to read a book to a few of the children. They didn't give me weird looks, so perhaps my pronunciation is improving. And, children are so forgiving...)

It was a wonderful moment when Boni, John Kerr's right hand man for his foundation, asked Aunt Mimi, a lifelong teacher to cut the ribbon at one of the libraries. I was behind sunglasses, but had a wave of emotion then and a couple of other times...I'm glad though. It was a big deal. These libraries are a big deal. And, it is not every day you are invited into another world where the needs of children are so great but you realize you can make a difference, either by volunteering or giving a donation.

The children in my life back home will have opportunities that many of these Mexican children will never have.  But, due to the hard work of these organizations, the communities, parents and the dreams and hard work of these children, there will be some that will create opportunities for themselves and I know they will pay it forward...

I hope you might take a moment to view a few short videos that I have included below. If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation, please know that your donation will make a difference. Please click the Friends of Pimpollo or Si Kanda links above, to donate.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Love this song....

Today at the gym I heard this song....when I got back to my posada, I googled on youtube, "hey brother", the only bit of the song I could remember. And, poof, voila, up popped this awesome song by a Swedish musician / dj named Avicii. It makes me think of my loved ones back home...and it makes me think of all of the brothers and sisters in this world...hope you enjoy it, too!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Amo Mexico...

My experience in Guadalajara, Mexico last year, was quite different from the one in Oaxaca this year. I was more on my own this time and as my stay winds down and I reflect on the past month, I realize Mexico isn't always an easy place for a traveler. There are many things that I love, the sun, the food, the learning experience of what it means to learn a language "in country", the friendliness of most Mexican people and of course, their resourcefulness. But, I must also say it is, at times, hard. Cultural differences, poverty, noise, pollution, litter, even cramming way too many people into a vehicle have at times made me uncomfortable.

But, of course, every country has its problems. Maybe Mexico has more than most, I don't know. It doesn't change that I still find this country fascinating; a study of contrasts. I have found here a basic truth about what it means to be human. Shadow and light. I think in the states we tend to put a veil on the dark stuff and in some ways want to think it isn't part of life. Here the darkness and the light are entwined. It is found in the calle (street), the art and in the broken down sidewalks set amidst the many churches laden with golden interiors...

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Today was mine and my Aunt Mimi's first experience riding in a "colectivo" or group taxi. There are various stations throughout the city where you can share a taxi with other passengers headed in the same direction for very little money. The cars are marked with the destination, so as soon as you see a vehicle headed in the direction you wish to go you flag them down, ask how much, and hop in. Now, this system would never fly back home. In a 4 person vehicle we had the driver, 3 people up front (a mom, small child and grandmother - geegads!!), and in the back me, my aunt, and an elderly gentleman, all crammed in. Well, can I tell you...that is part of the charm! CHARM? Yes, wrong word. That is part of the experience, I meant to say! If we would have hired a taxi it would have probably been at least 150 - 200 pesos for where we wanted to go, however, we managed to go via colectivo for a total of 65 pesos (less than $5 USD for both of us), round trip.

You will notice I got a little flustered at the end of the video and it ended abruptly...the man that passed me had less than stellar manners...I told my aunt about the unwelcome pat I got and she said, "Where is he?!" Lucky for him he disappeared into the crowd, as I can guarantee you he would have gotten an unexpected earful of Aunt Mimi's fluent Spanish!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


I've got the moves like Jagger, I've got the moves like Jagger! Actually, I don't. Not even close. But, it sure is fun dancing in the park! Zumbar, the Spanish verb means to buzz, to hum or to flutter around. That, I'm assuming, is where the name "zumba" came from. For 15 pesos (less than a $1.50 usd) you can do Zumba in the park, on Sundays, here in Oaxaca city. One thing I noticed about this fun exercise is it is hard to keep from smiling...